What is OCD?
There are many different common types of OCD. A few are highlighted below.
The belief that you need to count in specific ways to avoid harm to self or others.
False Memory
Fear of having said or done something bad.
Hit and Run
Fear of hitting someone with your car.
A need to perform a certain ritual perfectly to avoid harm or death to self or others.
A need to keep things lined up and symmetrical.
Fear of causing harm to self or others or inappropriate contact with others
Thoughts that you do not want to have about sexual acts with children
Fear of violating a moral or religious belief. Fear of failing to pray properly.
Fixating on a body function such as breathing, heartbeat, swallowing …
Pure-O or obsession only OCD is a misnomer as those who experience it often ruminate or worry as a compulsion.
An untrue fear that one may be bi-sexual, homosexual or some sexual orientation other than heterosexual.
Sexual orientation
Fear that you will get sick and/or die from touching things that make you feel contaminated.
A desire for unattainable certainty or a fear of harming your romantic relationship in some way.