Values are the calming force for the storm within our mind.
do you know your core values?
When we are stuck it is because our actions are not in line with our values. In that state we experience discordance. When we realign our actions with our values, our lives are in tune and we can live our true symphony.
Values predict behavior.
Core Values
Curiosity - The desire for knowledge and experience.
Acceptance - The desire for inclusion.
Order - The desire for organization.
Physical activity - The desire to exercise muscles.
Honor - The desire to be loyal to one’s parents and heritage.
Power - The desire to influence others.
Independence - The desire for self-reliance.
Social contact - The desire for companionship.
Family - The desire to raise one’s own children.
Status - The desire for social standing (money, fame).
Idealism - The desire for social justice.
Vengeance - The desire to get even.
Romance - The desire for intimate connection, sensuality and sexuality.
Eating - The desire to consume food.
Saving - The desire to collect things.
Tranquility - The desire for emotional calm.